Restaurant Takano City - Löwenstrasse 29 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
Company Information
- Company registration number
- CHE-107.995.644
- Company Status
- Country
- Switzerland
- Registered Address
- Löwenstrasse 29
- 8001 Zürich Löwenstrasse 29, 8001 Zürich CH
Company Details
- Incorporated
- 1988-10-14
- Age Of Company 1988-10-14 36 years
- Activity
- Betrieb eines japanischen Spezialitäten-Restaurants.
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Court
- CH/Zürich
- Previous Names
- Restaurant Takano
- Initial company number
- CH/02019147940
- VAT Number
- CHE107995644
Restaurant Takano City Company Description
- Restaurant Takano City is registered in Switzerland with the Company reg no CHE-107.995.644. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 1988-10-14. It was previously called Restaurant Takano. The declared activity is Betrieb eines japanischen Spezialitäten-Restaurants.. It can be contacted at Löwenstrasse 29 8001 Zürich .
Get Restaurant Takano City Register Report
You are here: Restaurant Takano City - Löwenstrasse 29 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
- 1988-10-14
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Announcement from ZEFIX
- 2024-01-12 Striking off
- Restaurant Takano City, in Oberengstringen, CHE-*.*.*, Einzelunternehmen (SHAB Nr. * vom *.*.*, Publ. *). Das Einzelunternehmen ist infolge Aufgabe der Geschäftstätigkeit erloschen.
Restaurant Takano City
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for Restaurant Takano City as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence